SIA Law Office Spridzans

Elizabetes Street 63-2,
Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
Contact: Ansis Spridzāns
Telephone: +371 29274672

ZAB Spridzāns, Snipe, Hramčenko

Elizabetes Street 63-2,
Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
Contact: Svetlana Hramčenko
Telephone: +371 29274672

Representative in the United States of America

1177 Avenue of Americas,
Fl. 7, New York, NY 10036
Contact: Inga Klimašauskienė
Telephone: +1 (917) 945-9742

Representative in People’s Republic of China

Room 407-3A Phase II, Qianhai Shimao
Financial Center, 3040 Xinghai Avenue,
Nanshan Street, Qianhai Shenzhen
Hong Kong Cooperation Zone,
Shenzhen, People Republic of China,
Post Code: 518000
Contact: Simon Lam 林锡华
Telephone: +86 18575544328

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The Law Office assisted Latvian Business Angel Network to found investment vehicle “LatBAN sindikāts Nr.1” (investor syndicate) which is first of its kind in Latvia. It consists of investments from 21 business angels and will invest in a start-up until the end of 2017. We also have made due diligence of a potential candidate and will support the project until the investment is made. Date: 11.07.2017

The Law Office made a research on the most effective structure for equity crowdfunding, co-investment and deal flow management platform under Latvian law. We made sufficient research and drafted full documentation needed for operating purposes. This start-up has passed first investment round and received financing from Development Finance Institution Altum. Start-up has developed Alpha version of the platform and it expects launch to the market until the end of 2017. Date: 01.06.2017